Monthly Archives: November 2007


Thankfully the weekend’s entertaining all went very well.

A few family members couldn’t turn up due to sickness but hey that’s better than having the sickness after turning up!

Nothing landed on the floor, or was deemed inedible for any other reason 😉 which is amazing really as it wouldn’t be the first time my Banofee Pie landed (face down of course) on the kitchen floor. Or there was the recent night of the burnt bread for Sunday evening Supper. Enough said.


I tried a new recipe and it went down very well, thanks to my friend Janus ( 😉 ) for allowing me to use it!

I thought y’all deserved a piece it was so good….

(If I was a professional snazzy top class chef type blogger I would of course taken a pic of one slice to let you see the biscuit base but as they say you can’t have your cake and eat it….)


Citrus Cheesecake. (on the left)

16 digestive biscuits (approx) – crushed
4ozs butter, melted

mix together then press into tin.

large tub Philadelphia
450 ml double cream
rind and juice of 1 lemon
4 tbsp caster sugar
1 tin mandarins
4 tsp lemon curd

Cream sugar and Philadelphia together.

Beat double cream until quite thick then mix together with philadelphia/sugar.

Drain oranges and add to mixture, together with the lemon curd. Place on top of biscuit base and refrigerate for a few hours.


I made a few other equally delicious dishes with equally boring photos, which I may post later.

Saturday brought five 4-5 year old girls, otherwise known as Why did I agree to do this day? Princessmac’s birthday.

She had a great time and contrary to all the myths about little girls being loud and excitable I have to say they were very well behaved which Babymac can account for as he slept completely through the whole affair and didn’t even realise the fun he missed!

(I know you may think that was cruel, but trust me it would have been cruel not to have let him sleep).

The cake was another PCCBB effort…


You may feel you have seen something not unlike this before.

As if I would….

(When you break the legs off these Princesses you got a get full use out of the bodies )

One last picture of Princessmac her very self displaying her new prized possession.

A Bible and Bible case is our family tradition for a 5th birthday – we were a little proud of ourselves on Sunday mind you…


All in all a good weekend.



Cranberry Sausages


I love to serve this dish with my “Turkey Dinner” but can I just say straight away I have totally stole this recipe from my good friend N over at 3foldcord.

N is 40+ weeks pregnant and so she just wasn’t in a position to argue when I asked if I could post it on her behalf.

If you have a heart at all you’ll nip over to N’s blog and let her know your thinking about her – believe me I am.

Cranberry Sausages

1 Packet of Cocktail Sausages (the pre-cooked variety are too handy)

1-2 cloves of garlic

1-2 tablespoons of honey


1 jar of Cranberry sauce.

Fry off the garlic in the oil and add the precooked sausages, honey and the Cranberry sauce.

Transfer to a casserole/serving dish and place in oven for about 30 minutes.

Serve with traditional Turkey dinner.


If you have a blog and also have ideas for holidays recipes, feel free to join in. Post your recipe and link to Semicolon – the actual date for the Round-up is Monday so you still have a few days to join in.

Don’t forget to go wish my very BIG buddy well.
