Monthly Archives: June 2008

Slow Cooker Classic

JP and the kiddos bought me a slow cooker for my birthday.

My procrastination in this area is over 🙂

Anyway I’m having an interesting time trying out new recipes.

I tried BBQ Crockpot pulled Pork during the week.  It doesn’t have to be eaten warm and turned out to be a hit for the lunch boxes.

Highly recommended Southern recipe.


Have a good weekend.






Reading Roundabout.

(Picutres by

First can I just say a great big thankyou to all who took the time to comment on my request for help with next years reading roundabout books.  I really didn’t expect to get so many good recommendations and now I have more than enough ideas for the next few years 😆

If you would like to recommend any further books it may be best if you leave your details at the original post, it keeps all things together in one place for me.   Thanks. 

I will be sure to post a list of all the books here as soon as I have finalised the list and also purchased the new books.  

Ladies from church any of these you like the sound of just let me know asap, before I go ahead and buy!  Be sure to check the comments section as the majority are listed there.


Some of you have asked exactly how the reading roundabout works and so I thought I would try to make it clear in this post.

How to set up a Reading Roundabout/Reading Group in your church.

Work out how many are going to be involved. Our first year we had 12 ladies, which made for 12 books in 12 months.  That keeps it simple. 

Whatever number of readers you have, you need the same number of books, this is the most work, thinking out the various books.  I try to stick to 4 broad categories  Biography, Practical Christianity, Theology and Devotional.

Once the books have been chosen, pile the books in an order which doesn’t have books from the same category together.  

Make a Bookmark for each book listing the Months of the year on one side and the ladies names on the other.  So if you start in January just list Jan – Dec on one side but on the other move the ladies names down one on each bookmark so each lady has a different book each month.

We simply attach a plastic corner pocket into the inside cover of each book and insert the relevant bookmark in each.

The books are given out along with a list of guidelines.

Here are the guidelines we use    

For the reading roundabout to be a success please keep to the following guidelines:

Pass  your book on to the next reader on the list as close to the end of the month as possible. 

Keep the bookmark with the book at all times.  

The books all belong to either our church library or church members – please look after the books. If you finish a book  in good time – pass it on early to give the next reader some extra time with the book.

Remember if you fail to pass a book on in time it will effect everyone not just the next person on the list. 

Please be faithful to others even if you haven’t finished the book.  (Especially during holiday periods).

If you have already read the book , see it as an opportunity to review, it could only be edifying to read any of these books twice!!

Go on  treat yourself to a new notebook, after reading each book consider and take notes on the following:

Note what you found helpful about this book 

Note anything you found controversial within the book 

Note any challenges you received while reading this book  Note any other thoughts that may be helpful for future discussion 

Interact with others regarding the reading roundabout – use it as a tool for edifying conversation.

Remember it’s not a test but a means of learning more together. 

Please pray to this end.

At the end of the roundabout please return all books to Elaine.      


We don’t put any pressure on our ladies to show that they have read the books.  Not every lady reads every book but they do receive one each month and generally all are read.  The Roundabout is a tool to help others not only to read but to read a wider range of books than they may choose to read themselves.  We discuss the book during private conversation and also informally during our ladies nights at church.  It would be possible to have more formal discussions about the books but we are happy with a relaxed approach.    

Each year we ask for £2.00 for each reader towards buying new books, these along with our church library and our personal collections make up the chosen books.  The new books we buy are dontated to the church library after that session of reading is over.

I hope these simple guidelines are helpful, let me know if you decide to host a reading roundabout in your church or group.

All credit for the Reading Roundabout idea goes to a dear sister and Pastors wife in the  Reformed Baptist Church in Grand Rapids Michigan.  (Titus 2:3).
